Has Your Roof Experienced Storm Damage?

After a storm, the one thing everyone has in common is the upheaval within their lives. All of a sudden, your house and life as you know it turns upside down and for the first one or two days, it may be overwhelming as you witness roof storm damage and additional damage. Below, our team at In His Hands Contractors provide tips to help you navigate the steps to take after the storm.
Safety is Your Main Priority
If the damage is substantial, you and your family should first relocate to a safe space to take shelter, whether it’s with friends, family, a hotel, or emergency shelter. It is important to find someplace to stay while your insurance provider determines your damage. Pack a couple of days’ worth of clothes and personal belongings and don’t go back to your home until your insurance company or authorities declare it safe to do so.
Document your Damage
Prior to any storm, take photos of your house so you can have something to compare in the event your house ever experiences storm damage. After a storm, document all roof storm damage and additional damage that is caused by the storm as soon as you can safely do so. Take photos of the damage and take note of all potential issues that might evolve, like busted plumbing, crumbled drywall, and exposure of power lines.
File an Insurance Claim
Before finding yourself in a position of filing an insurance claim, familiarize yourself with your homeowners insurance policy and figure out what roof storm damage is covered by the specific insurance coverage you have. If a significant weather event impacts your home and everyone in your household is safe, contact your homeowner’s insurance provider. They’ll assign a claim representative or adjustor to go to the site and evaluate your damage.
File For Federal Assistance
FEMA arrives in storm-damaged regions to offer people help in a number of ways. It’s a government-funded disaster response service that includes meals, temporary housing, temporary repairs like tarping for roof storm damage, and help with filing a claim with the insurance company.
Regardless of the amount of damage, you can have a say so in the roofing contractor you choose to work with to make your roofing repairs. There are many Chattanooga roofing companies to choose from, and our team at In His Hands Contractors, Inc. is proud to have earned the trust of many residents in the region. When you call or are getting ready to have your roof installed, be sure to let our team know if you have any skylights so we can repair or replace them if they suffered storm damage.
If you need roofing repair, call In His Hands Roofing Contractors today at (423) 637-4265 to request a quote.